Q&A: I would like to learn website designing how can I learn the website designing?

Question by abbas h: I would like to learn website designing how can I learn the website designing?
I would like to learn website designing how can I learn the website designing online or as a course and what are the content of website designing.Is graphics such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver are also necessary to learn.

Best answer:

Answer by Rez021938428
Use Frontpage2003.

Also, buy HTML for dummies.

GREAT book..

That’s how I learned to code.

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4 Responses to “Q&A: I would like to learn website designing how can I learn the website designing?”

  1. Piet says:

    It depends on how much freedom you want when designing a website. You can start easily by learning some basic HTML, there are many tutorials of the internet. However, if you plan on making dynamic web content such as forums or blogs, hard coding it would take a long time. There are many pre-designed packages available for free that allow you to create dynamic web content.

    Graphic design comes in pretty handy in web design, mostly for resizing and compressing images. But you can do that without any expensive software packages.

  2. J C says:

    Well you can either use a WYSIWYG like Dreamweaver or learn HTML, http://www.w3schools.com. Dreamweaver I find is a little hard to understand so I would start with HTML to see how you do first.
    If you need a free webhost to practice there’s http://www.000webhost.com or you can use Notepad.

  3. Dylan says:

    You can try ning or webs.com

  4. Astano says:

    If you want to learn website design at a professional level then you need to learn how to code HTML/CSS and then JavaScript and PHP.

    http://www.w3schools.com/ This will help you to get started!

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